martes, agosto 08, 2006

Back in Town

Well, as you may see, this post is in English. The reason is quite simple: thanks to the lack of real education in Europe, most of the people I know don't speak a tiny bit of Spanish.
On the other hand, and if I try to think positively, the act of translating my thoughts into a foreign language is a good exercise to keep my english level in shape.

So there you go, so long i recieve feedback, my blog changes its official language to english.

Mmm, so what to write about? Giving the fact that I just returned to my beloved homeland, let's start with the whole travel experience.

Before that, let's start with the last days of my Stay in Siegmunds Hof.
mess!As you all who know me may know, I have the trend to leave everything to the last minute, including overseas trips. My last trip was no exception to this, as the date of the travel was coming, my mind refused to accept that I was leaving what was my home for almost one year, and that had consequences.

Suddenly, I found myself cleaning up my room when the goodbye party was on, it sucked quite a bit, because I really can't say that I spent more than one hour without having to go back to the mess i had for a room to keep the cleaning up. Although, I have to thank the people that went there to at least make some company.

my room never was so cleanSo the next day we had the inspection from the Verwaltung. As we finished the party really late, I thought that it would be a nice idea to be one of the first people to get his room inspected. The only detail I didn't take in count was that Karin already checked her room, and well, let's say that she did clean her room, So I found myself going 3 times to the Hausmeister, the first time i had too many bags in my Room (I solved that by hiding all of them in the Bathroom next door), then the drawer in the kitchen was dirty, then the floor wasn't clean... Now imagine trying to do that when you haven't slept in like 2 days, and the only thing that keeps you awake is the desire to finish that damned thing.

Ah, we look so cuteAfter that, it all went very fast, suddenly we were at the airport saying goodbye to lots of people, btw, that was nice, it really touched me to see everyone there, in fact i couldn't hold the tears (yeah, i ended being a real pussy, crying as a woman). So we said goodbye to each other, got into the plane, and started to travel.

Is this edible?The flight to Frankfurt was nice, luckily i had plenty of space for my ridiculous amount of hand luggage (2 guitars, one huge laptop bag and a backpack). I really have to thank Tachy and Javier, who kindly agreeded to pass a guitar when we crossed the gates. So, we arrive at Frankfurt, meet the other chileans, wait a couple of hours, and when we're getting ready to take the plane, we come across with the most exciting news: The flight was overbooked.

Frankfurter S-BahnAfter the initial shock, we decided to volunteer to stay one more night in Frankfurt (with all expenses paid), and the airline decided to reward our sacrifice with the ammount of €600.- Yeah, 600 fucking euros. Awesome. So we ended staying in a 5-star Hotel, and we got to know Frankfurt. The next day we did a tour through the city, and afterwards we went to the Airport, where we waited and talked.

with a nice €600 voucherThe funny thing about all of this is that the very next day something was awaiting for us. I mean, after all this nice stuff we recieved, something wrong was ought to happen... So there we are, in the plane towards Sao Paulo, 4 hours have already passed, and we could see in the screens where the plane was (it showed the route and the plane position). After a horrible movie (The Pink Panther, which i have confess that i saw in the Theather... yes i know, waste of money, but please hold), the captain suddenly begins to talk: "Dear passengers, if you notice some unusual vibrations near the wing section, please do not be alarmed, is something normal, a hatch wasn't correctly closed, and therefore we beg for your patience. Let me assure you that this has no danger involved...". Now, we went to check that out, and yeah, the noise was almost unbearable.

Yeah, an unclosed hatch, Sure. Blow meSo we started to watch Ice Age 2, and suddenly the World map shows, and we could see that the airplane did an U-Turn and we were flying towards Germany. At this point I was already smelling something weird... In fact, you could see that we were flying really low... At last, the captain said something like: "Dear Passengers, do you remember that i said that the unclosed hatch had no peril involved? Well, guess what, we're flying back to Germany. Yes, I know that i made you wait 4 hours, because we knew from the begining that something bad was going on, and now I shall give you a lame excuse, which'll involve some obscure references to the navigation system. In any case, thank my Judgament, because we were about to cross the fucking Atlantic with a malfunction. Ah, and thanks for flying with us". We arrived to Frankfurt at say, ~3 am, we had to wait till 9am for another plane. The funny thing is that when we landed, we were unusually far away from the other planes, not to mention that LOTS of firemen were close to us... When we got off the plane, I saw lots of policemen and stuff staring at the fuselage section near the wing... And yeah, the unclosed hatch ended being a fucking hole in the thing... With reason the plane sounded as hell hahah...

P1010458At this point we all lost our connections to Chile, so when we arrived to Buenos Aires, we had to find flights again. Not to mention the fact that our luggage wasn't in Bs. Aires, but in someplace of Sao Paulo. Add the funny detail that altough there was a flight to Santiago, there wasn't enough place for everybody, so we ended splitting into 2 groups, one of them traveled the same day to Santiago, while the others (including me), stayed in Bs. Aires, and after stamping a lost luggage report, they took us to.. the Hilton! :D Yeah, the mofo Hilton. So we had some suites for us, a nice dinner, and the oportunity of making use of the ridiculous change and go around to take some drinks and spend less than US$10 in cab.

The goodbye...The next day, and after 40 mins. of sleep, we took a flight that would take us to Santiago de Chile, we arrived in the morning, after almost 3 days of leaving Berlin. What can I say, it was quite a trip, one could say that it was horrible, but it all was part of what was the best year of my life, Berlin 2005/2006. Well, part of my luggage is still missing, so i can't say that everything is nice. (Damn you, Lufthansa).

Nowdays, It's kinda weird. At the beginning, i had all the welcome back parties, the happiness of seeing familiar faces again, and i don't know, the feeling to be back. But it's slowly fading, and as I start with routine, the memories of Berlin are coming back, i can't say is sad, but i do think about it a lot. Mostly about the people... but is weird. Hopefully i'll get over it.

In the meantime, and this is for the local people (just if someone from Concepcion is still reading, I'm playing with my band this Thursday at 19:00 hrs at the Urbano (just in front of the Break), just quina. Be sure to be there!

God i'm tired of writing this. I think i'll leave it here ;D... Take care!

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

pa q escribis la wea en ingles si nadie te posteo......

Dr Houx dijo...

Well, I'm definitely saying YES to you writing in English, cause fuck me if I learn to speak Spanish (dude, you now know what you'll have to do when I come visit you guys). Hey everybody who can understand these words, join me and get Pankeke to keep on writing in English (not like that guy who didn't even have the balls to sign his comment).
Otherwise, I don't really have that much to say in response to your post because I already knew most of the story anyway. Well, I just hope you spend most of those 600€ on something useful, ie pisco (and not pico as others (I won't give out any names, sorry) would have it). Or eventually on something totally stupid and self-destructive, ie pisco (and not pico as others (I won't give out any names, sorry) would have it).
Yeah, I know, it looks like I wrote the same thing twice, but I didn't. One is useful, the other is stupid and self-destructive. Think about it.

Well, whatever... Keep up the good work, take care, and most of all: Long Live Beef!!!

Anónimo dijo...

well the trip was almost a religious experience, hahaha, like paying for all our sins, btw what will you do with the money?