martes, agosto 22, 2006

More Videos...

That's true. There's another video for you to watch.

Take care

1 comentario:

Dr Houx dijo...

Dude, you do realise that, as crazy as this may sound, you've actually written less for this post than for the last one. You suck...
Then again, I can't really complain because I too have been lazier than last time: I haven't even watched the new video yet. Hahaha, what a dick I am.

On a totally different subject, you do realise that you're providing articles, I'm answering shit, and that's the majority of what recently happened on your blog. Well, I checked your statistics, and you had like 2000 visits in the last couple of weeks (I think), so the real question is, what are all those other people doing? Just coming to your blog, checking the video (or article or whatever) and don't leave a comment? How impolite... I mean, ok, most of the visits were from Chile (actually no, they were from Germany, but I guess that's just because I load your blog every once in a while), so I guess most of the people don't understand what you're writing, but it's not really as if you wrote a lot. I mean, you can understand that it's a concert, that you play in it,... just by watching the video. So why are they all shy?

Venga sobre la gente, usted puede comentar también (thank god for reverso, or maybe just thank the developers)

Ah, whatever. Take care

El Principito