sábado, diciembre 23, 2006

And it's gone

Well, yeah, the year is pretty much gone. 

The thing is that i finally ended my University stuff, passed all courses, everything ok, so Mission Acomplished.

Meanwhile, we had this ex-Berlins meeting here in Concepción, which was quite good, lots of laughs, we even got to waste some time (Pipo brought this incredibly strong gear with him). Sadly (and for reasons I'll explain later) I have no pictures here with me.

What else? Ok, I had this gig at Ruka Bar. It was nice to see lots of friends there to support me (well, eff you berlins! (but not Tachy nor Naranja). We even played some new songs (quite good reception), so that left me happy. You see, I was eager to play since a long time already, and finally got to do it in front of people i knew :P

So that's for one side.

On the other hand, I'm in a good mood. I just arrived to Viña del Mar (where my parents live). Nice to see some good weather, I just hope not to die from the excessive heat. Not to mention the incredibly fast bus ride. The thing is that we decided to travel the 22th, 3 days before Christmas, on a Friday prior to a long weekend, so as you may predict, almost every ticket was sold out. We finally found 2 tickets on this really crappy Bus Line (it was ridiculously expensive as well). So we took the bus, and after a really lousy movie (Transporter 2, an actual piece of action bullcrap, I mean, it was so fucking full of cliches and shit, it ended being funny sometimes), the driver made a 11 hour long trip in just 8 :S:S:S
So after not-dying, I arrived to Viña del Mar. My parents were happy to see us (after all, I've been there just 2 times before, and one of those was when I returned from Germany)..

Anyway, I still hope that my parents will forgive me after I forgot their Anniversary... You see, I was talking over the phone with my dad the other day, and he mentioned that their anniversary was coming (it was the next day), so "call your mother and blah blah". At some point i was like "well, thanks for letting me know, but aren't you supposed to organize the anniversary yourself? After all, she's your wife", and he answered to me "yeah, but you know, time passes, and sons begin to organize their parents' parties...". At that point i started to think a bit more about it, I said "Well, sons do that when there's an important date, like Silv..." And then it struck me. You see, at that precise moment i recalled that my parents got married on 1981, and after a couple of nanosecs (spliffs don't help to improve brain speed), I realized that they turned 25 years of marriage this year. Wanna know what i thought? "FUCK!". Long story short, my parents' Silver Anniversary passed by without a huge Party, or without a great reunion. Thanks to us. And you don't know my mom, she'll remember this for the rest of her life. Fuck i hate that. But as Andrea said, is their fault as well, they know I'm a sloppyhead, so they shouldn't surprise if I forget dates like those hahah ;D. So I'm gonna need a job if i want a decent Christmas present haha

So, it's kinda late, and I'd gladly keep writing, but you see, this is not my house, and well, tomorrow is gonna be a hell of a busy day (damn i hate christmas' eve)

Take care y'all...

R out.

lunes, diciembre 11, 2006

Dashing through the (lack of) snow, in a one horse open sleigh..

So the semester is finally coming to an end...

Long Behind are those nights of insomnia, anxiety and random procrastination that coloured the weeks as they passed, one after another.

Now that I think about it, it's still weird to think that I returned to Chile just 4 months ago. I guess that now the streets of Berlin are covered with this nice, thin and white layer that cracks when you walk over it called snow.

I remeber walking through Unter den Linden as it was yesterday, going around the Weinachtmarkten (Christmas Fairs/Markets), looking at the people gathering after work to eat the same Bratwursts that were sold all over the year, but called "from Christmas" just because so, the people spending some euros on crappy games, like throwing balls and get a present, buying some candy, or just getting drunk with some nice old and thankfully warm glass of Glühwein (something like our beloved Candola).

So, why am I writing this all of a sudden? Well, the thing is that, the other day, walking through the center, I gladly found that there were some nice ornaments hanging from the buildings, with the not-so-original "Merry Christmas" inscription (well, and some propaganda :D as well). What I found comical the most is that is almost Summer in here, and let's be honest, since I was a little kid, I'd always watch TV and relate Christmas to winter, so you can imagine how special was that Christmas in Berlin, watching for the very first time a "real" (as shown on TV) holiday, with snow, cold and all that stuff (which, i must confess, was lovely until the cold started to get annoying >_>).

That reminds me of two things. First (and in a really unrelated way, for I have the ability to digress), Home Alone (I believe the 2nd one (the one in which the family goes to Florida)). Why? Just because at some point one of the kids starts complaining about spending Christmas without snow, and heat and palms instead. Second, shit I already forgot. You see, I was looking for an expression that'd replace "digress", but failed; in the meantime I forgot what I was going to write. Damn.

I remember now. Ok, so here it goes: I don't know, but when I start mixing holidays with snow, I get the feeling that the whole end-of-the-year experience (basically, the Christmas + New Year's eve combo) is more intimate than when you don't have cold and shit. What i mean is that ok, is a time for you to spend with your relatives, but on the other hand, is so fucking hot, that the only thing you want to do is to go out and get crunk (something that according to my plans, and Steffi's good will (to provide me some "gear"), will become real next week). For those reasons, I'd really love to spend another Christmas with snow and cold and few hours of light. On the other hand, there's nothing like spending the New Year's eve without a coat, gloves, thick clothes, and most important, without wet feet :P.

So let's keep the sadness away, and let me tell you about what's coming up. Next week, the chilean guys that I spent a great year with are coming to town, we're gonna have a reunion, where I hope we'll talk, laugh, and hopefully, get crunk. I'm really looking forward to it. Moreover, on Saturday I finally have (after a long wait) a gig! The plan is that all the berlins will go and watch me being a rockstar, I'm so looking forward to it too. After that, traveling to Viña, to spend some days (well, the summer to be more accurate) with my parents and relatives. Hopefully it'll be a great summer, and hopefully I'll be able to get some money to buy me a new shiny laptop.

In the meantime, just wait. And let life flow.


lunes, diciembre 04, 2006

On a random finding...

Don't ask me how did I end with this, but I find funny, and as I'm too lazy today to actually write something about me, well, I'll just copy/paste this thingy...

Top 11 Ways Blogging is Like Sex

11. At first, you’re just blogging once every week or two, but it’s not long before you’re doing it a couple of times a day.

10. A lot of kids fool around with blogs in high school but the serious blogging doesn’t start until college.

9. People really only have one good entry at a time, but will often fake multiple entries because they think it makes their readers happy.

8. It hurts when you’ve blogged and the next day your readers pretend like it never happened.

7. You know better than to blog when you’re drunk, but it’s just more fun, even if you do it with topics you wouldn’t have touched when you were sober.

6. The day after you’ve blogged drunk, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do to your regular readers.

5. Men blog like they’ve got an audience, but women like to keep it intimate.

4. You have to vary your technique once in a while, otherwise your readers will lose interest and you’ll drift apart.

3. When you first start to blog, you don’t ever have any long term readers but all you can ever think about is blogging. After a while, you do find some regular readers, but then blogging becomes a chore and you start to feel guilty if it’s been a while.

2. Most people blog at night, in the privacy of their own homes, but there’s always some jackass strutting around bragging that he prefers to blog in the office at lunch or at the local park.

1. Everyone knows that if he ever did in fact blog in his office or in the park, he was alone and just blogging into his palm.