miércoles, mayo 30, 2007

So close... so far...


Holden is playing in Concepcion.
I have no tickets.
why? Tickets are sold out.

I loathe my laziness :(

gotta cry.

lunes, mayo 14, 2007

I should attend classes sometime...

Ah, there's nothing like knowing just now that you have an important test tomorrow morning...

I guess I should have gone to classes.


miércoles, mayo 02, 2007

fuck fame

Shit. I have this test tomorrow, a very important one, but to be honest, i haven't studied shit.

Some things happened in the meantime, but I sincerely can't blame those for not studying.

God, if i had *just* a bit of self-commitment, I'd have finished studying a long time ago. I blame the Angry Nintendo Nerd.

Anyway, take care y'all, and if you care to read this, well, I still miss you all.

R. out